Citizenship and Naturalization
- Application for citizenship by Naturalization
- Application for Citizenship Certificate
- Renouncing Citizenship
Canadian citizenship is considered a privilege amongst many people in the world. Once you become a Canadian Citizen, you have a say in the political system of the Country by having a right to vote (if you’re of the age of majority). The Canadian passport has been ranked 9th place among the most powerful passports in the world. Its holder can travel to many countries without visa restrictions. Out of 195 countries existing in the world, currently, Canadian passport holders can travel to 183 of them visa-free
Also, Canada allows dual citizenship. That means you don’t have to give up your home country’s citizenship to acquire Canada’s if your home country also recognizes dual citizenship.
There are a mainly 3 ways a person can become Citizen of Canada.
- Naturalization or grant of Citizenship
A foreign national immigrates to Canada first and then, after meeting the residency and eligibility requirements, applies to become a Canadian citizen. For example, according to the existing regulations, if you are a landed immigrant and have spent at least three years in Canada in the past five years, you may apply for citizenship. The next steps usually involve submitting documents, taking a citizenship test, and eventually taking the Oath of Citizenship (or attending the Citizenship ceremony).
Children under 18 could become naturalized citizens when their parents become Canadian citizens.
- By birth on Canadian Soil (Jus Soli)
If someone is born in Canada, then they automatically become a Canadian citizen.
Canadian soil includes any Canadian ships and aircraft registered in Canada
Exception are children born to foreign diplomats on Canadian Soil.
- By Blood ties (Jus Sanguinis)
A person born outside Canada is a Canadian Citizen if at least one parent is a Canadian Citizen at the time of his/her birth. The person is a Canadian citizen by blood ties even if the Canadian parent never resided in Canada.
However, this rule is applied to only first generation born outside Canada.

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